Don’t Miss This One Day Training Event Where You’ll Learn How To Use Tissue Salts and Facial Diagnosis

…So You Get Better Client Outcomes AND Grow Your Practice

The Secret To Doing It Successfully Is Knowing How


YOUR HOUSE! (Online)



Saturday 19th March 2022
10am Canberra/Sydney NSW

The event runs all day, and starts at:

QLD 9:00am

NSW, VIC, TAS, ACT 10:00am

SA 9:30am

NT 8:30am

WA 7:00am


How Much:

Standard tickets to this
practical event are FREE

VIP tickets are just $19.95, and include a copy of a workbook and slides of the whole event (note: you need to attend the online event live to get the workbook and slides)

You can choose your ticket type after you click the Book Now button

Why You Must Attend This Event

Running a natural therapies practice is becoming more and more challenging:

  • Covid restrictions are impacting how you meet and treat clients
  • The government seems to be stripping away natural health credibility and limiting our treatment options
  • Marketing and technology is becoming more complex and more expensive
  • Many treatment options are either complex to diagnose and prescribe, or unpalatable for the clients – so they don’t follow through with their prescriptions.

But what if you could use a treatment that bridges the gap between mainstream medicine and natural medicine.

But what if there was a diagnosis and treatment that was easy to use, gets better client outcomes, gets tangible results quickly, AND allows you to help more people and so grow your practice?

Sounds too good to be true?

Let me explain…

Hi, I’m Robyn Barraclough 

I’m a practicing Bodyworker and Naturopathic Herbalist and Educator. 

I get amazing results teaching other Natural Therapists, Health Practitioners and Body Workers how to use Facial Diagnosis to see what mineral deficiencies are showing and then get great results using Tissue Salts.

I also teach Clients how to use Tissue Salts to improve their own and their family’s health.

Treating mineral deficiencies is one of the most underutilised therapeutic approaches both in mainstream and natural medicine. Very few practitioners know what minerals do in the body, let alone how to recognise the early or chronic signs of mineral deficiencies and how to treat them.

I teach the “The Clinical Science of Biochemic Therapy” Diploma Course in conjunction with the Institute of Biochemic Medicine (Asia Pacific).

The Diploma Course is based on the works of Dr. (med) W.H. Schuessler and the German Association of Biochemistry, the world’s leading authority on the subject of Inorganic elements. You are getting the very latest information used to train practitioners in Germany, Europe, UK, Australia, US and world-wide. The Diploma Course is taught in association with The Institute of Biochemic Medicine (Asia – Pacific).

Tissue Salts (sometimes called Biochemic Minerals, Schuessler Salts or cell salts) are a powerful, natural way to correct nutritional imbalances in the body. 

Facial Diagnosis uses colours, lines and other facial indicators. It is a quick, reliable, non-invasive and inexpensive way to accurately identify nutritional imbalances. 

Mineral Deficiency Analysis uses your signs and symptoms, past and present, to determine what minerals your body may be deficient in and how long that deficiency has been present. Then we ask Why.

Combining the two diagnostic tools, addressing the cause of the deficiency and prescribing the appropriate Tissue Salts, leads to rapid, measurable results in a wide range of client conditions.

The system I’m teaching in this free 1-day workshop is something I learned 15 years ago and have been using ever since in my own practice. Learn how I use Tissue Salts to treat and educate clients and teach practitioners to use with their clients. You will also learn my simple 4-step process for Building your Business with Tissue Salts.

I’ve taught Tissue Salts for over 11 years to hundreds of other therapists.

I’ve presented on this topic at national and international conferences. 

I’ve also applied it to hundreds of my clients, and the result has been increased repeat clients, increased revenue from tissue salts, and many, many referrals from happy clients.  

But what I do differently and will show you in this one-day workshop, is teach Practitioners how to apply this to their practice and build their business in very practical ways getting great results and building referrals.

Join me and other like-minded natural therapists for this one-day Tissue Salts and Facial Diagnosis event where I’ll be revealing exactly how you can use these powerful diagnostics and treatments in your practice.

Reserve your ticket today.

Here’s a Taste of What You’ll Learn

  • How and why Tissue Salts and Facial Diagnosis work and are so effective…getting tangible results for your clients in as little as 2 to 14 days
  • How to use Facial Diagnosis as a reliable method for identifying exactly which minerals to prescribe – including lots of examples and case studies from my own practice
  • Why Tissue Salts are a powerful, natural way to correct nutritional imbalances and boost immunity (very topical right now)
  • Using Tissue Salts to correct mineral imbalances, giving clients a better sense of well-being, improved sleep, and address issues such as skin problems, muscular and joint issues and many more
  • How to use Tissue Salts and Facial Diagnosis for pregnancy, childbirth, childhood illnesses, fevers, sleep, first aid and behavioural issues in children
  • Additional benefits of Tissue Salts – they are palatable (compared to herbal remedies), easy to administer, have no side effects and get quick results, so clients take them as prescribed

All of these things lead to:

  • Happier clients with better outcomes
  • More confidence in your ability to diagnose, prescribe and effectively resolve client issues
  • Growth in your practice without having to be “salesy” or spend money on marketing, as happy clients refer their family and friends
  • Increased sales of “consumables” in your business, providing an ongoing, reliable income that is not dependent on your hours worked.

Ultimately, you grow a successful business that gives you the lifestyle you want, while giving you the satisfaction of helping more people.

By the end of the day you will have all the information you need to start using Tissue Salts and Facial Diagnosis in your practice.

Online Live Streaming Event

Saturday 19 March 2022

Who the Tissue Salts Event is For?

  • Health practitioners, Naturopaths, Herbalists, Homeopaths, Kinesiologists, Massage therapists, Physiotherapists and Nutritionists
  • Health Practitioners interested in natural remedies with a proven, scientific basis
  • Therapists interested in how the body works and why, including how to correct nutritional imbalances
  • Those wanting to use natural remedies without the complexity that comes with understanding and prescribing herbs
  • Therapists wanting to “stand out from the competition” by providing easy-to-use remedies that are quick and effective against wide range of client issues.

Come and spend one day with me online and let me show you how you can successfully use Tissue Salts and Facial Diagnosis in your practice. 

This is a one-off event streamed live around the world.

VIP tickets are just $19.95, and include a copy of a workbook and slides of the whole event(note: you need to attend the online event live to get the workbook and slides)

You can choose your ticket type after you click the Book Now button

Here’s what others have said about this powerful training

There are so many ways this course helps. My husband is now taking tissue salts to help with symptoms he was displaying. As a practitioner, it has given me a tool for more effective treatments, and in my clinic more effective treatment plans for my clients which equals better health for them. It helps me in my kinesiology practice for balancing the nutritional and biochemical elements of my clients.

This course is great for practitioners who want to add another modality; for students of homoeopathy, herbalism or naturopathy, it really helps you the understand basic Biochemic principles underlying health. For those wanting to prescribe for family and friends, it gives a great base for you to take control of your own health and well-being.

Patty Zorzetto, Kinesiologist Reiki and Wellness Practitioner

Over 40 years ago I hurt my back while nursing. I have had pain, of varying degree almost every day. On day 1 of the course Robyn gave me a cream to rub in, and within a couple of minutes, no more that 2 or 3 minutes, the pain had gone. I was dumb struck! I said to Robyn “Is this placebo? It can’t work that quickly!” Well at day 4 of the course, my back is still pain free! Amazing! I can hardly believe it – but there it is!!!

Molly Knight

Herbalist, Castle Hill

Because of your course, and Tissue Salts, my family has been healthier, and I know there is always something I can do.

Thank you so much! Tissue Salts have been incredible!  You helped me with allergies, through pregnancy, labour, and treating my sons tongue-tie. Tissue Salts complemented things perfectly, (just like they did during my completely natural labour) and I have to thank you for making me feel empowered, and supporting my family when we choose. 

Naomi Tandy

Robyn is an amazing presenter with a Treasure chest of knowledge and great sense of humour too. The most enjoyable course as well as a must for all Natural therapy Professionals

Natasha Zaric

Naturopath, Canberra

I Just wanted to say thank you so much, Robyn. The remedies have been amazing. I was beside myself when my face reacted to one of my skincare products. Here are photos of what it looked like before tissue salts, and progress shots each day using the remedies. No more redness and the puffiness is all gone.

Naomi Tandy


The testimonials on this website are from real and satisfied clients. However their results may not be your results. Specific results can not be guaranteed and results may vary from person to person